Medicine for Pleasure

by Jose Ordoñez Jr.

Merry Company on a Terrace

Jose, I don’t quite understand what you’re selling, but I ain’t buying. 

That’s okay, you already bought it. You are reading this blog because of my captivating title. Other alternative titles include “Medicine for Happiness” and “Get Off the Hedonic Treadmill.” Not as good, huh? Maybe my full time job should include coming up with YouTube titles.

However captivating the title may be, there was something inside you that made you click. Deep inside, we understand that pleasure could be as poisonous as suffering. The pleasure we seek, the dreams we dream, can become our deepest source of dissatisfaction. It’s paradoxical; to think that pursuing happiness brings about discontentment.

Honestly, I’m here to sell you stuff so I can reach that $60,000 salary. If you guys would help me get there I’ll be really happy. Or maybe if Three Bedrooms gets into an awesome film festival. Once that happens then I’ll definitely be happy. Could you imagine if A24 called? “Mr. Ordoñez, after watching your film at the *** festival, we would like to offer a million dollars for your film.”

I think I’ll be happy then.

Or maybe, I’ll jump to the next thing. And the next. And the next. And the next…

Maybe we’re all just subconsciously chasing death as to step off this rat race. True retirement.

So here’s my pyramid scheme pitch. I want you to do. Just do. And love the work you do do. Perform by removing all expectations. Work without seeking the dopamine hit of results. Raise your standards but lower your hunger for success.

Joy is the journey not the destination. Stop chasing. Start doing.

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